InGame Server Rules

If you don't follow these rules you will be punished at the staff's discretion.
By accepting these rules, i agree that I am 18 or 21 years old or older.
PvP allowed only at EEWA outposts (no rules, no consent), around map PvE zone.
You can make agreement with Run Away slaves about enslaving RP
and after collaring buy a license for this slave.
Unowned slaves can be knocked/collared only during RP
and only by pior arrangement!
We absolutely intolerant of drama, racial, gender and age discrimination!
If such a situation arises, contact the Administrators
and provide a screenshot of the chat.
Violation of these rules for the first time will result in a warning
from the server Administration. Repeated violation will result
in a permanent ban! Respect yourself and other players on the server!
If you are unhappy with someone, their words and actions,
do not start creating drama! Take a screenshot of the chat,
use the /mute Name_of_User command and contact the Server Administrators!
We will try to resolve the situation if possible.
You can rape, torture, humiliate, etc. only in RP
and only with the prior consent of all participants involved in RP!
By default Global Chat for OOC, Local Chat for IC
*Most importantly... Have Fun!*